The Menu

“You will get less than you desire and more than what you deserve…"

Above is a quote from The Menu. If you haven’t see this thriller yet, this is a spoiler alert!!!

There is a sex worker in this film and she has a rather stylish exit.

This blog has nothing to do with the film The Menu and has everything to do with the way that term “menu” came to be used in sex work.

Hobbyists and review board culture are the culprits.

One becomes stuck in that world, it’s addictive. There are no boundaries, respect, or concern of safety shown towards providers. Hobbyist want to know what they are going to be getting for their money, they want their money’s worth and they never want providers to seem transactional.

The concept of a menu was created to list everything you offer as a sex worker.

Is it incriminating? Yes. Do I have a menu? No.

I don’t cater to hobbyists.

What I am offering is an overview of my likes, dislikes, and boundaries once a client has shown themselves to be a serious. How serious? Deposit and Screening sent!

This page will be locked on Passcode access given to clients only.

Moving forward I hope this will ease the minds of newbies and entice old clients to return.

If you’d like to book a date, please email me at or fill out the booking form under the contact section today!



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