The Texas Battle Against Consensual Intimacy

Recently law enforcement arrested over 40 men seeking the services of “commercial sex workers” and thinly veiled this so-called victory as a win against human trafficking.

As of today’s date - January 24th, 2023, I googled “human trafficking in Texas” and these prostitution stings came up.

Definition - Human trafficking: the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.

How can law enforcement posing on ad sites as sex workers be considered trafficking?

It’s simply not human trafficking.

Was there any mention of the ads being related to under-aged women, men, or children? No. Where is the connection to the trafficking victims? Who are the victims in this crime? Ask yourself. There are none. A victimless crime. These men have been further stigmatized in society for seeking the services of a prostitute. (Which is illegal).

They are conflating prostitution with trafficking.

One can consensually offer these services without being trafficked. The demand for consensual intimacy will not disappear due to these laws (making it a felony to purchase sex) but will make it more difficult for consensual workers to see clients.

What I want the public to realize is that there is no danger in hiring a sex worker. Every day these things happen without money being involved and it is completely legal.

Co-workers have affairs (I am looking at you Amy and TJ). People have sex outside of their relationships all the time whether we like it/know about it or not.

When it comes to paying for intimacy, that’s where society draws the line.

The oldest profession is here to stay and is ultimately the best choice to keep most relationships in tact, minus the entire legal aspect of things.

Be smart about hiring a sex worker. You can do so ethically. Support your small business independent Dallas escort.


Is hiring an escort legal in Texas?


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